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Local Stores

Stores nearby looking forward serving you

What is a local store?

Locality is not only a matter of distance. When you live in a city as I do, there a multiple stores at walking distance for all sorts of shopping. On the country side it is different. You may need a bike or even a car to visit the nearest store. Although distance plays a role, a local store is not necessarily on a walking distance, but it is likely a store nearby. The relevance of a store is also determined by how often you need to go there and for what.

Local stores matter

The big online stores won’t support your local neighborhood when people want to put lights outside and want some liveliness in the streets. Local stores can only afford their support if you support them by paying them a visit and buy something. The main function of local stores is not to provide social support, but when they do as a side effect, many people benefit.

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